Loan Payments
Make your payments using our online payment options. It’s an easy way to pay, at your convenience 24 hours a day.
To make your payments using your OneNebraska accounts, please log into It’s Me 24/7 or your mobile app for the simplest, no cost option.
What you should know about our other online payment options:
- Pay with your Debit Card for one time payments (includes a convenience fee for each transaction).
- Pay direct from your checking account (ACH) for one-time payments or scheduled recurring payments (includes a convenience fee for each transaction).
- Mortgage payments are excluded – However, we offer a variety of options to make payments on your mortgage loan, contact the credit union for payment options.
- Spanish Option Available for Debit and Credit Payments.
- **For loan payoffs, please contact the credit union for an exact payoff amount and payoff instructions.**
Please contact the Credit Union with any questions you may have regarding your loan, including payment remittance.